Friday, November 7, 2014

cops and robbers. (better late then never)

Kaleb got a gift card for his birthday and a few cards with cash in them so he chose to get nurf guns for everyone for his birthday. i thought it was cute he wanted to buy something so we could all play together with that being said here is what went down when we got home.

it all started while i was rocking a SLEEPING baby in my arms and kaleb runs out and hides behind the couch. i then hear some whispering in the hall way on how they plan to "clear the room" for the escaped criminal. Kaleb begins to giggle, while jourdon and brett split up and take sides of the house. both carrying their new nurf dart guns they hold the criminal at gun point and make him lay down... jourdon then pats him down. as they check their info on the captive he escapes again. this same role play happened about 3 times before dylan and i decided to join in... we were the good cops, brett was the dirty cop and the boys where the bad guys.

i remember getting locking bad guys up in jail and getting chased by bad guys after by gun was stolen. Jourdon joined the good cop team and brett became a full on bad guy. Jourdon had the whole resting thing down!

"Freeze this is the police"
"stop right there or ill shoot"
"turn around and with your hands above your head back up to my voice"
"now down on your knees"
"Lay down and put your hands behind your back"

i think i know what jourdon will be when he grows up... he would even try to say something about their rights and to stay quiet or he will tell their lawyer. lol he was so into it.

this become a nightly routine for about 3 weeks then one morning all the nerf darts were gone... turns out jourdon all has a weird fettish with chewing on nerf material (he has done this to nerf balls too, not my kid hahaha)

we no play queen and king with their knights and jesters. i love this imaginary stage!!

changes near and far

on halloween this year my husband agreed to 4 more years in the army, altho in reality i know we have a minimum of 12 more years in this life style it still was bitter sweet! i am so home sick its not even funny and all tho last year around this time i was accused of putting my family on blast (which i still feel i didn't) i freaking miss every single one of them. i miss them on birthdays and holidays and even days in between. i miss family members that i have not seen in over 5 years... and people that i didn't realize had such an impact on me as a person! even if it was family members i only saw 2-3 times a year (or less) i feel like I'm missing  those connections and i hate that my boys are not able to make those types of relationships! they don't even know what a cousin is....  i think about how so many of them have changed and it makes me sad knowing how fast time passes when you are not in it.

 gosh i don't even know how to put into words all the feelings i have with out someone thinking I'm taking a stab at them but in all honestly i just want everyone who gets to spend this time of year with extended family to truly cherish it and soak up every minute of it!

its crazy to me the babys of my generation are in collage and making something amazing out of them selves!! not that i regret my family and getting married young because i don't... i just wish i could say i had a degree under my belt so you could say I'm jealous of my little cousins pursuing that life! there are babies in my boys' generation i don't get to enjoy and cousins their age they don't get to build a relationship with. and that just sucks! theres no better word for it

at the same time i miss germany and the life style and oh my goodness the holidays over there are so amazing and i wish i could experience that every year.

there are so many open doors in Brett's career right now i just ask for prayers that God has his hand in it... no matter where we end up or what brett ends up doing on a day to day basis i just Pray its where God wants us and needs us to be in our life. would i prefer the option that would put us close to home and amazing friends... yes. but sometimes thats not how it works and if we are meant to be in another location for brett to have the most out of the opportunities that he is presented with then i need to be happy and comfortable with that.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

crayons on the table

sitting here at 10:40 at night i look around the house and the presence of a washcloth, broom, vacuum of mop is almost non existent. i literally spent 60% of my day today cleaning and doing laundry and just picking up the house. why.... what for... not even 12 hours later you can't even tell. toys on the floor, overflowing trash can, dishes in the sink and crayons on the table. i have no idea why but i was so upset by the appearance of my house i was almost in tears. everyone that knows me knows that i don't keep a clean house... its always messy.... not dirty but messy. so when i spend all day to make it better just to see it back to how it was in a matter of hours it just really got to me tonight. the crayons pushed me over the edge and i felt frustration take over. its so stupid and would take 1 minute to pick up, but why dose it have to be MY minute to pick up. the boys are old enough now i need to start introducing chores and the idea of picking up after ones self. any tips on this adventure would be wonderful, i clean their room after hours of me telling them to with no avail, i put their dishes in the sink i put their clothes in the laundry... these are simple things that a 3 and 5 year old could do.... right? ugh mommy life sometimes gets to me, then they give me good night kisses and hugs and 2 high fives (high fives are must in this house per the boys lol) and it all just seams to melt away... if only i would have seen the crayons before i got all the good night love instead of after... well its decided I'm don blogging and I'm going to go get extra kisses and high fives to five this mommy funk. nighty night all

Saturday, June 28, 2014


ever sit and try to see how far you can remember back. i do... a lot, probably more then most. i have these flaw backs of random moments from when i was little, and its funny to me that why these moments are the ones that i remember the most.

like one year for my birthday (i don't know when) i got a pretend washer and dryer and fabric to wash in it and i remember laying across it crying because i did not want to share with my cousin andy and the other kids at my party. only child syndrome.... has to be a real thing right lol.

or i remember planning with my cousins andy and emily in his room at his old house on how we were going to catch santa close. that house stands out in my memory so clear. the basement were we used to play with these tube things and build forts.

another one that stands out is making those pins with my mom that i would wear on my hat to trade with all the other girls there. or making this beach painting with my grandma phyllis where we cracked omen a sand dollar and the doves inside where part of the picture. speaking of grandma phyllis reading Shel Silversteen is one of my favorite memories. i still read his books, and can't wait to read them to the boys when they get a little older.

i remember singing BSB and hanson with my small group of friends at recess in elementary school. or going to the plaza for one of their birthdays and shopping in a limo. funny how times change and people just kind of vanish from your life.

i remember going to washington DC with my grandma and her choir. i had so much fun seeing the sites and being the only one that was able to sleep on the bus :)

another trip that stands out was one of the family reunions for the sheldon side... i remember getting up in the middle of the night and going swimming with my aunt liz and a few of my cousins. or going climbing up really big hills that at the time seamed like mountains to find the coolest rock.

i remember going to the west side family reunion and climbing on top of a barn with cousins i had never met before and playing on this farm. i could not tell you most of their names but i remember visiting sites in fort scott with my grandma and dad.

speaking of dad i remember sitting on the back deck watching the storms roll on by and coating the seconds behind the lightning and the thunder. or catching lightning bugs with all the neighbors grandkids.

i could sit here and just think about it for hours but then it gets me all home sick and stuff. its crazy when you think about it really how fast time flys.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

soap box

so in all the 6 years of being an army wife i have seen SEVERAL people post on their personal Facebook pages about hating the military or thinking they ask for way too much in return or a lot of other negative views on the army and all the other branches of the military.  after these posts are discovered they are put onto military support group pages and wives pages to be slandered and hated against. altho i strongly disagree with these negative opinions of the military... they are just that, opinions. these people have the RIGHT to voice those opinions and who are we as wives or vets or active duty members to call these people out and call them bad people. from my understanding (speaking as a wife not a vet or an active duty member) they sign a  contract to protect this country and their citizens. it dose not say protect all those who support you only. by belittling these people how are we any better then they who are slandering the military.

John 8:7 (KJV)
"so when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

now these people voicing their opinions are just practicing their freedom of speech... with hurtful words.. so if we all respond with hurtful words back... then no one is the bigger person.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DIY housewife

so i said at the end of my last blog id review some of the homemade household items i have made and used myself.

first up is my laundry soup that i make and use. i got the recipe here:

if i were to be grading this soup id give it a 9/10
-it last forever. we are a family of 5 and it last me 8 months. keep in mind i cloth diaper so that a load of diapers every other day and 7 loads of other laundry a week.
-there is no fillers so a table spoon does the trick
-no one in my family has had a reaction to all ingredients in the soap.
-its not the best stain if i have a stain i prey treat it and a tide pin.
-there no smell so i use fabric softener to give my clothes a fresh cent

next I've been making my own baby wipes for over 2 years now.

my grade for this is 10/10
-i love that there is no alcohol in these wipes like in a lot of brands found in the store
-they are easy to make
-you can use any baby soap so you chose if they have a sent or not

**i do not pull all the sheets off the tube i just cut the tube in half and then pour the boiling mixture on top of the roll in a tall tuber wear container and then after it hat been sitting for a few minutes pull the cardboard out of the middle and then just pull wipes from the middle as needed**

next is a home made carpet cleaning solution

i was not impressed 5/10
-my whole house smelled like fabreez
-it did clean
-didnt save me any money
-was not any better then store bought brand
-when i made it, it foamed up and made a huge mess in my kitchen

last one is home made fabric softener

id say 7/10 for this one
-you choose the sent
-easy to make
-decently cheap depending on conditioner chosen
-dose not last long
-the off brand at walmart is more for less money

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I survived

Anyone that knows me knows that i hate going out in public by my self... idk why i just do i like having someone with me. When bretts home i still take at least one kid with me just to have someone there HAHA. well when brett is not here i HAVE to take all three with me and 98% of the time i ask a friend to go with me because idk if ill be able to handle them all. what if the baby gets super fussy... what if jourdon gets in one of his clingy moods... what if kaleb runs off... so much what ifs that could happen.

well today i needed groceries and all the kids were fed and dressed and no time to ask a friend to help... I've been battling with headaches a lot lately so i took some ibprophen and loaded them all in the car. this mama did it and it really was not that bad... kaleb and jourdon and i had small talk all the way through the store and their treat was picking out a toy for the kitty that only cost me 97 cents... WINNING! haha

on the way home dylan started screaming and crying in the car and kaleb sang to him and patted his belly... he's becoming such an amazing big brother and awesome little helper to mommy. Jourdon helped mom put away the food and they have been playing with the kitty and her new toys for a while now.  guess i got this after all

on a side note I've been trying out some new homemade cleaning stuff so that will be my next blog :)

later gators